We’re building a new 370-megawatt (MW) natural gas power station near Lanigan. We’re calling it the Aspen Power Station to reflect its location within the Aspen Parkland Ecoregion.
This new power station will:
- provide the equal amount of power forabout 370,000 homes in Saskatchewan
- deliver reliable power to you, while keeping rates as low as possible
- support renewable power generation and the transition away from conventional coal
To connect the new Aspen Power Station to the power grid, we’ll build a new 230-kilovolt (kV) line. It’ll connect from the existing Wolverine Switching Station located directly west. The line will be about 3 kilometres.
We started construction in April 2024. We’ll be reaching out to local contractors and suppliers to help build the facility.
View the video below of what the power station will look like once complete.
Learn more about the project below: