On January 1, 2019, the Federal Carbon Tax began being applied to our emissions from power-generating sources like coal and natural gas.
The Federal Carbon Tax increases annually. In 2019 it was set at $20/tonne of CO2 emissions above established thresholds. It then rose $10/tonne per year, reaching $50/tonne on January 1, 2022. From 2023 to 2030, the carbon tax will increase by $15/tonne per year. From 2023 to 2030, the carbon tax will increase by $15/tonne per year.
View more information on federal carbon pricing.
Federal Carbon Charges and Your Power Bill
The Federal Carbon Tax appears as a separate charge on your power bill. The tax applies to how much power you use, and not to fixed amounts like the basic monthly charge.
On an annual basis, the amount charged is revised to reflect the yearly per tonne increase of the carbon tax and the decreasing emissions thresholds applied to coal power generation.
Learn more about how this charge will appear on your bill.
Saskatchewan Electric Heat Relief
From Nov. 1 to Apr. 30, 2025, customers who rely on electric power as their primary source of home heating will receive a 60% reduction on their federal carbon tax charge.
While we’ve already identified most of the customers who qualify for this relief, there may be some who haven’t previously told us they have electric heat and therefore haven’t been identified in our system. If this is you, please contact us through the message centre in your MySaskPower account. To do this:
- Log in to your MySaskPower account
- From your account drop-down menu, select “Message Centre” or just click this Message Centre webpage link
- Click the “Send us a message” button
- In the subject drop-down menu, please select “Electric Heat Relief”
- In the message body, please enter your full name, applicable service address and SaskPower account number
- Click the “Send” button
You can expect to receive a response confirming your submission within 1 to 3 business days. Those who have already been identified will automatically receive the relief and no action is required on their behalf.
Check out some common questions and answers below:
Why is the relief set at a 60% reduction?
Heating accounts for up to 60% of power consumed during the winter months for those who use electric heating as their primary source for their homes.
How will the relief appear on my bill?
You will see “Sask Electric Heat Relief” as a line item under the “Other Charges” section on your bill.
How do I know if I qualify?
Qualified customers are those who primarily heat their home using an electric source, such as baseboard heating.
The majority of Saskatchewan residents (about 85%) use natural gas heating for their home and will not qualify.
Since natural gas heating is not available in much of northern Saskatchewan, many customers in northern communities will qualify for the relief if their primary source of home heating is electric.
If you are still unsure, please log in to your MySaskPower account and submit a message or contact us at 1-888-757-6937.
What if I miss submitting my information prior to Nov. 1, 2024?
Qualified customers can still contact us through their MySaskPower account providing us with their name, service location and account number. They will receive corrected invoices retroactive to Nov. 1, 2024.