If your vehicle or equipment contacts a power line, stay put. call SaskPower at 310-2220 or call 911 if it’s an emergency. Stay put until help arrives.
If your vehicle is on fire and you must exit:
- Make sure no wires are in your way.
- Stand in doorway, cross arms, put feet together.
- Jump as far as possible, land with feet together.
- Do not touch the vehicle.
- Keep arms crossed, feet together, and HOP at least 10 metres to safety.
Fallen Poles or Lines
If you see an accident involving a power pole, fallen line or transformer:
- Park at least 10 metres away from any fallen power lines
- Assess the situation before getting out of your vehicle
- Don’t touch the vehicle, power pole, fallen line or transformer as they may be energized
- Call 911 and provide a description of the scene to the operator. Detail the electrical hazard as best as you can.
- Stay back at least 10 metres
- Wait for emergency personnel to arrive
Watch How it's Done
Check out this video to see how to exit your car safely.