It’s frustrating when the lights go out, the TV goes off or the computer loses its connection to the Internet. Most of the things we depend on in our daily lives use electricity and when power is lost, so is the ability to do the things we love.

Reliable service is and will always be a priority for us. We know you’re experiencing longer, more frequent outages and we want to minimize these inconveniences for you. To do this, we need to invest in our aging system.

Unplanned power outages are caused by a variety of factors that are out of our control, but there is one that we can work on — the condition of our electrical infrastructure.


Summer Storms




Spring Pole Fires




Underground Cable Faults



Causes of Outages - Galloping Lines

Galloping Lines

Causes of Outages - Hot Sockets

Hot Sockets

Causes of Outages - Ice Frost

Ice / Frost

Causes of Outages - Flooding


Working to Renew and Improve Our System

Our focus is on renewing our electrical system in order to provide you with the power you need; failing to do so will result in more system issues and more power outages. Learn more about our plans.

Some of the maintenance we do requires us to schedule planned power outages. We understand this is an inconvenience for you, but the work is necessary to help reduce the frequency of unplanned outages.

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