SaskPower Offers Tips for a Safe Harvest

August 14, 2024

With harvest beginning across the province, SaskPower is offering safety tips to farmers working around power lines.

Most farm-related line contacts happen in the spring during seeding and in the fall during harvest. So far this year SaskPower has observed 178 farm-related line contacts, which is 14 fewer than the same date last year.

“Safety is at the core of everything we do at SaskPower, and we want to make sure anyone working near power lines knows how to do so safely,” said Nidal Dabghi, Director of Safety at SaskPower. “When operating large equipment near power lines, preparation is key to ensure safety. Make a plan before heading out and stay alert.”

SaskPower encourages farmers to use the following tips this fall for a safe harvest:

  • Plan your route ahead of time using our interactive Look Up and Live map
  • Lower or retract equipment whenever possible, especially when moving from field to field
  • Use a spotter for a second set of eyes on the ground
  • Take routine breaks to avoid fatigue
  • If you’re moving a large load around power lines, request a temporary line move

In the event of a line contact, operators should remain in their vehicle and call 911 immediately. If a fire starts because of the line contact, operators should follow the safe exit procedure:

  • Swing the vehicle door wide open, being sure to not touch the outside of the vehicle.
  • Make sure no wires are in your way.
  • Stand in the doorway of the vehicle, cross your arms in front of your chest and put your feet together.
  • Jump as far from the vehicle as possible, making sure you don’t touch the outside of the vehicle. Land with your feet together.
  • With your arms still crossed and feet together, hop away from the vehicle (at least 10 metres).
  • Call 911 immediately.

Under no circumstances should you return to your vehicle until the area has been made safe. For more information, visit

At a glance...

  • SaskPower urges farmers to make safety a priority during harvest
  • 178 farm-related line contacts have occurred in the province this year
  • Preparation is essential when working around power lines
  • Visit for more info
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