What is Renewable Power?

Renewable power is power that comes from natural sources that are constantly replenished, such as the sun, wind, rain, tides, geothermal heat, and more.

Here are some common types of renewable power:

Solar power: Power generated from sunlight, usually through solar panels.

Wind power: Power harnessed from wind using wind turbines.

Hydropower: Power generated by water flow, often through dams or turbines in rivers.

Biomass: Organic materials (like wood, crops, and waste) that can be burned or converted to produce power.

What is a Renewable Energy Certificate?

A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is an internationally recognized unit of measurement that represents the environmental benefits of producing one megawatt-hour (MWh) or 1,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of power generated from renewable sources like solar and wind. When renewable power is generated, it is typically tracked using RECs to certify the amount of renewable power produced and consumed. Each REC represents a reduction of approximately 0.52 metric tons of CO2 when compared to non-renewable power.

Residential Impact:

  • An average urban residential customer enrolled 100% in the Renewable Subscription Service (RSS) will purchase about 7 RECs per year. These RECs allow the purchaser to claim their emissions are reduced by 3.64 tonnes annually.

Will I receive an actual certificate when I pay for the RECs through the RSS?

No, you will not receive an actual certificate, but we’ll report on our website annually on how many RECs were purchased in the program.

What renewable facilities are included in the program?

All our renewable power facilities can provide RECs to this program. Learn more about our renewable facilities.  

If I enrol in the RSS am I getting renewable power right to my house or business?

When you purchase a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), you're supporting renewable power production, but it doesn't mean the energy directly powers your home or business. Instead, the REC allows you to claim the environmental attributes of renewable power, even though your power still comes from the overall power grid mix.

Why doesn’t participating in the Renewable Subscription Service (RSS) help avoid the carbon tax?

Participating in the RSS means you are purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) that represent the environmental benefits of renewable electricity. The power coming to your home or business is still sourced from the same supply mix as the rest of the power system. As such, you are still subject to carbon tax.

Is there a cancellation fee?

No, there is no cancellation fee if you choose to leave the program.

If I move and am enrolled in the RSS what do I need to do?

If you move and your account changes, you’ll need to re-apply to the RSS through our website. 
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