
Before any ground disturbance work, ensure you plan ahead. You must get a line locate if a utility line may be present. Work can’t begin until all utility providers have marked their lines. Submit line located 3 business days before to your project.

Safety should always be a priority. The biggest risk associated with digging underground is accidentally hitting utility lines. Not only can this cause costly damage, but it also poses serious safety hazards.

To request a FREE line locate or for safe digging information, visit digsafesask.com.

2 safety points to remember once our lines have been marked:

  1. Flags are placed to show the line locates. But this doesn’t mean the power lines are directly below the flags! Give yourself 1 metre on either side of each flag to keep a safe distance away from any underground power line.
  2. Any digging within the line locate range, 2 feet from a flag, must be dug by hand. Don’t risk using any mechanical equipment when you are so close to a line.

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